Friday, July 10, 2009
A Spider In The Night
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Am I the only one?
Does that mean I don't like anyone out there that does not share my beliefs?? Oh, I hope not. I have friends that are gay. I do not lecture them on what I believe to be true. On the other hand if someone were to walk up to me and say, "What are your opinions of gay marriage?", or "Do you think God approves of a gay lifestyle?" I would of course share my thoughts. This does not make me a 'gay hater'. I do not hate people that have had abortions, who are atheists or practice any other sorts of lifestyles that I do not agree with.
I certainly will never write about how someone is less of a person than me just because they have a different culture than mine. Every person has the same value no matter their beliefs or their lifestyle. I am far from a perfect person. I just believe life is too short to be mean and judgmental. I believe everyone has the right to live their life the way they choose as long as it does not hurt anyone else or infringe upon someones constitutional rights. I believe this counts whether the person knows their rights have been infringed upon or not.
I believe we will be judged one day. Not by our fellow man but by God.
As I said, I am not perfect. I make poor choices and sometimes say or do things that hurt someone without meaning to. This is not my intention and I know that God forgives. Being malicious is an entire different choice. I believe if someone does something wrong to you that it is okay to let them know how you feel but wrong to be malicious and seek revenge. To be 'ugly' to someone just for the sheer 'fun' of it is wrong.
I see this with my kids in school. Children being mean just because they think it's fun!! How horrible is that!? What is even worse is the parents that condone it...or ignore it.
We don't need anymore mean people out here. I hope and pray that as a parent I am instilling good morals and values in my children. I know that when I do lose my temper and yell when I shouldn't, that I have the good morals and decency to apologize. I have apologized many times to my kids and my husband for losing my temper when it wasn't really called for.
I think instead of embracing a neighborhood war over domestic issues that we should do all we can to discourage it. I think if the issues are too big and a solution cannot be agreed on that law enforcment and legal agencies should be used and not have an all out war declared with one attack on top of another. This sets the wrong example for our children and encourages vendictive behavior.
Okay I know some will say I am starting a war just saying that I want everyone to respect other people. But really isn't that what it is all about. I can respect people even if I do not agree with them. I can smile at them and not wish them ill will, and inside I know it is genuine. The most I will wish for them is to have peace of mind like I do and to not stress over what someone else is doing that does not effect them in anyway!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Today is the day!!
So there is my let loose get it all out moment. Here is what the real me knows but sometimes has trouble practicing. God is in control. No matter what, this is true. Yesterday in church I had it so plainly there for me to see, hear and feel. For the past month or more I knew I had been taking allot more stress on than usual. Slowly it was building up and I was being short with everyone and had no energy as it was all used up in my stress. So on Saturday I started feeling God and His 'oh so gentle' guidance....He was telling me to to let it go and let Him take over again. By Sunday morning it was clear to me and as I was getting ready to go to church I looked in the mirror and as if to confirm to the myself, out loud I said, "Today is the day". I knew that it was the day to let turn and remember who I was and that God is in control...if I will let Him be. Then, as if to seal and confirm the entire process, our pastor preached one of the most moving services I have ever heard! The subject? guessed it....turn, repent and remember your first love....Christ. He talked about how we get so caught up doing all the things we know we are supposed to do...attending church, helping out, teaching Sunday school, loving others spreading the gospel....that we leave Christ and our excitment and joy for Him on the back burner....the ember gets smaller and our love gets ordinary. He asked, (although I know he didn't really want us to answer), how many of us were excited about coming to church that morning...and singing praise and worship music. Well you know I thought about it...and I do get excited when I am going to church and I do love to sing the songs. I love it because it feeds my soul...I can compare it to refilling the gas tank in my car. It fills me up enough to get me through till the next fill up, on Wednesday night. I have realized how small I am in my journey and in my christianity. I know I have so very much more to learn and experience. I also know that I have come a very very long way and that I have no doubts about God and my salvation. My falter comes in living life here on earth and the daily struggles we all go through. I often wonder why I still try to do things on my own, how I seem to forget that I don't have to be alone....ever. God doesn't 'fix' everything as we think it should be done. He has infinite wisdom and see's much more than we ever will. His promise to us is to be with us. His promise is to love us. His promise is to never leave matter what. He does not tell us bad things will not happen, but that when they do happen...He will cry with us and hold us up. He will sustain us. As long as we do not turn away He will remain with us.
I know that I pray everyday. I know that my name is written in the 'Book of Life'. My promise to myself today is that I will strive to cling tighter and closer to God. When I sing, I feel God draw near to me....His presence is so strong and that is one of the many reasons I love to to sing. I know that my spirit is soaring and my 'flesh' is being over taken by the spirit rising up in me. Sometimes as we are singing....the presence of God is so strong that Dawn, my singing partner, and I can only look at each other to know we are both feeling it and are both being swept away. The power of Gods' annointing is amazing. I felt it yesterday in church as I vowed to Him to keep Him in my sights and not to turn away when things became overwelming and stressful.
So just as I know I will be going through this journey with Grace, to find out why she is having trouble battling these viruses. We will not be alone. God will be with us for every test and ever answer. I know that as I draw closer to Him....fear will have no place.
(and a small PS.......we are getting ready to record about 7 more songs in the next month or so and will finally have enough tracks for a full length CD!!)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Worried About Gracie
Monday, April 6, 2009
Our Disney Trip Report!!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
We're Going to Disney!! (again!)
Thursday, January 22, 2009
The call came in at 1:43am. The National Transportation Safety Board informed my mom, over the telephone, that my dad's plane had gone down shortly after lift off and they did not think he had survived. Then they told her they would contact her when they had more information. From 1:43am until 5:20am she waited, with her eyes glued to the tv screen, for the phone to ring. The news channel was reporting that the captain of the plane, my father, had survived along with one passenger. When the second call came the NTSB informed her that indeed my dad had not survived the crash...while at the same time the news was reporting the captain had survived. Finally at about 6:30 am my mom woke me up and told me what happened. It was really strange because she told me with no emotion and I reacted with the same. I remember walking into the bathroom and staring at myself in the mirror for I don't know how long, to see if I looked any different now that my dad was gone. Finally after what seemed like forever I said to my reflection, "I don't have a daddy anymore". Still I never see my dad traveled alot so it was quite easy for me to adjust to the idea of him just being away on a trip. Three days went by and the house was a zoo. My dad worked for an evangelist that hosted a weekly tv show and my dad was the captain of this ministers luxurious airplane. He also chartered the plane out to many celebrities when the owners were not using it to travel for the ministry. As a result my family had many celebrity friends who one by one were paying their condolences at our home. The press was on it and our house was in lock down. There was a flood of people in and out. Reporters were knocking on the door and trying all kinds of tactics to get in the front door. We had three seperate funeral services. One at the beach where some of my dads friends did a fly by salute in his honor using lear jets flying very low down the coastline at the Ft Lauderdale Beach, one of my dads and my favorite places to go. The fly by had not been approved when requested but his friends did it anyway and were fined a huge amount of money, but they knew he would have done the same thing for them. It was an awesome sight to see the jets fly by and wave their wings in his honor as they passed. The second service was huge. It was in a very large church in south Florida and the minister he worked for presided. There were many celebrities in attendance and the press snuck in and film of the service was on the news that night. The focus, of course, was on the celebrities in attendance and not so much on my dad. The press was relentless, they would shove their cameras into each limo as it pulled up to get a glimpse of who may be arriving. So invasive. The third service was private...maybe 100 people. It was held at the funeral home and was also presided over by my dads employer and friend. Up to this point I had been in shock and unable to absorb what was actually going on. There came a time in this service where people were going up to the casket and paying their respects. The casket was really beautiful, dark cherry with a crisp American flag draped over it. The funeral director let us know that anyone who hadn't paid their respects should do so as they were getting ready to end the service. My uncle leaned over and let me know it was time to go up...the whole thought terrified me. After much coaxing I stood and took one, two, three steps and then my entire body broke down. I collasped right there on the floor and the grief took me over. I don't know who helped me up but I was ushered into another room. I don't remember much about the rest of the day....
The weeks and months that followed are a blurr. I was 18 years old with huge amounts of money suddenly at my disposal. I had a brand new car and was on my own. My mother had lost ALL concept of responsibility and it was as if I had lost both parents not just one. I had never lived on my own...didn't know anything about it. I had horses and started looking for a place to live and take them too. I relocated a bit north to West Palm Beach and moved into an apartment over a barn I was boarding my horses in. My monetary status had me suddenly with an entire new set of friends, but not desirable ones. For the next three years I just did as I pleased. Finally when I was almost 21 I decided to move up north to the Gainesville area...and, well, thats an entire other story on its own.
My life changed forever on the morning of January 21st in 1985. The future I had planned was to work for my dad beginning in March of that year. In an instant my future was changed and I would be forever missing someone I should have spent a lot more time with and cherished a lot more than I did. My father was an awesome, intelligent , funny, handsome individual. He worked hard and took excellent care of his family...almost to a fault as we were so well provided for we missed a lot of lifes essential lessons for survival. My dad never got to walk me down the aisle, or see his grandchildren, who would have been the absolute delights of his life. My children missed out too, as he would have been a great grandpa. So much life lost in an instant. I live with it daily and think of the accident and him often. The 'if only's' are the worst. The accident was caused when a mechanic did not secure a cargo door. The plane began to make a bumping noise and when the crew decided to return to the airport to investigate the noise a crew member mistakenly reversed power when my dad called for full power during a turn back towards the airport. The plane stalled and crashed into a parking lot barely missing a major hi-way. As it was sliding it slid into a propane tank which caused the plane to explode....
Every moment counts. be sure to tell your loved ones how much you love them and how much they mean to you. Cherish every second... The picture at the top is one of my favorites of my dad. He was in the Navy and flew fighter jets when he was younger. He was always happiest when he was in the air....