Let me introduce you to a book that will change your life forever. It was a Christmas gift for me from my best friend. She gave it to me with tears in her eyes as she explained what she could of the book to me. It is not easy reading. It is the story of a man named Mack, and of his struggle to deal with the kidnapping and murder of his 6 year old little girl. This is not a grusome book...but a book about life, and how we can live it to it's fullest. Mack has an experience with God that we should all be blessed enough to experience...and can through reading these pages. I actually had to stop reading at points in the book to allow my mind and heart to absorb all I had read. I shed tears in almost every chapter...tears of joy, tears of compassion, tears of reconciliation...I know I have been genuinly changed. I have a better comprehension of who we, as the human race, are and how we are made react to and with one another and with God. This book didn't tell me anything I didn't already know inside...it just made it all transparently clear. The cost of the book is about $15.oo and well worth every penny
Although this book is fictional, it certainly does not effect it's ability to be life changing.