Saturday, December 27, 2008

Happy Birthday

Today is my birthday and I am not sure how I feel about it. Hubby is sick and sleeping so my 'dinner and a movie' date is out. I guess I may be feeling a bit sorry for myself. I was thinking that it has been about 25 years since anyone has given me a birthday party or a cake. I don't know where we get the idea that birthdays become less significant with age. I am 43 me that is even more of an accomplishment than 16, or 18 or even 21!! I have survived so much in my 43 years. I have learned, laughed, loved and cried. Everyone else had a party this year...all the kids and hubby too...(boy I am feeling sorry for myself!!). I got a phone call this morning from my mom and stepdad and instead of Happy Birthday I got asked to take them to Walmart so they could pick up a new battery for their truck. No mention of the day there either....
I am not in need of a bunch of gifts or elaborate measures...just a small cake and a few friends would be nice. I even, very out of characterly, dropped a few hints over the past few months of how nice it would be to have a small party...intimate, with friends.
Ok, I guess it's not that big of a deal right? There is always next year...


Jen said...

Happy 43rd Birthday! And yes, you do deserve to have everyone wish you many happy returns of the day. Shame on your parents for not remembering . . . and even if hubby is sick you should get a "rain check." I too am one of those people who does and does for others and never seems to receive anything in return. Not that that is why I do it . . . but everyone once in awhile it sure would be nice. :)

ImagineMel said...

Happy Happy Birthday!!!!!!! I know how you feel. I understand and you're ALLOWED to feel sorry for yourself. The best part is...tomorrow is another day! (to borrow a line from Gone with the Wind!) Maybe you and I should get together and celebrate your day with a taco in town somewhere! LOL..I'm craving mexican tonight.
In all seriousness, it is hard to give and give and feel like noone appreciates it. I hope someone gets you all the wonderful gifts and cake you can eat! :)

Mom! Dude! said...

I just read this today, so it is a little late, but no less sincere: HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

To a wonderful person, a terrific mom, and a great new friend I'm blessed to have wishes for your new year!

Unknown said...

Karen we have the same Birthday! I totally know how you feel. I never fail to be disappointed on my bday. Rowans bday is the 28th so my bday has become even less important since I spend it planning his! I have another friend with our bday too, weird.

Anonymous said...

Karen, I was catching up on blogs, and don't know how I missed this day on your blog. So here is a very happy belated Birthday to you....& lots of hugs!

Like the others, I do understand that feeling of disappointment or even feeling invisible on that day one day that seems to slip in between the cracks. Not like any other day.

Maybe one day we all can go out and celebrate one big bdays' for all us 40ish mom's that seems to get missed on our special day. We can make it one big birthday bash!

I know today is not your birthday-as in the day you were born. But it is a day God has given you to HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


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