When G was 3 months old it was March of 2005. The Easter season was here and one of my friends saw a cute yellow and white checkered bunny with blue ears at Walmart and picked it up for G. G's face lit up the first time she saw him, it was love at first sight...
Over the past 3 years 'Bunny', (as he is appropriately named), has been through everything with G. He was there for her ear tube surgery, her 8 days at Shands with pneumonia and every doctor visit she goes to he goes with her, (her pediatrician knows him by name). Bunny goes with us on vacations and anytime we leave home he is with us. He no longer is allowed out of the car during day trips because she left him on a shelf in Walmart one time and I had to run through the store to find him like a mad woman! I was praying out loud dashing through the store trying to remember every aisle and every stop we had made. I almost cried when I saw him sitting ...waiting...on a corner shelf. As I am about to collapse G giggled and said "silly Bunny!"
Bunny gets a ride in Daddy's shoes....
Knowing my friend found him at Walmart during Easter season I decided to see if I could find a duplicate or two so that I had them to store 'just in case'. I have looked every Easter season and have never found one, still I continue to scout the aisle every season just in hope to find one.
G just adores her Bunny and I guess I am a little attached to the guy myself. After all how could I not be when she loves him this much!!
About once every two weeks or so Bunny gets a gentle cycle washing in the lingerie bag and a good dose of Downy to freshen him up. Then about every 6 months or so he will get a new ribbon for his neck. This time G picked out a nice bright yellow satin ribbon with a pretty sheer blue ribbon to go along with it for the Holidays. We gave him a bath this morning and I stitched and tied the new ribbons in place. I think the little guy looks pretty snazzy!!

G approves too!!

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