Gizmo is the alpha male. He is very large and 'ferrell', I am told by my vet. He is the only cat we have that I have to warn people about. He bites...like a dog...but only if someone he doesn't like pets him. We almost didn't keep him. We got him when we only had one other cat and he was about 3 weeks old and abandoned. We bottle fed him and he bonded with my hubby. He still favors my husband over anyone else. He is sweet to all family members...but we don't pick him up unless we are taking him to the vet.
The next male in the line of authority is Rascal

Rascal is our $4600.00 kitty. He has had two hip operations and has had most of his teeth removed, (all the back ones...he only has his little front teeth and his fangs). He had a condition called 'stomatitis' and was allergic to the plaque on his teeth. Treatments didn't work and made him really sick so we chose to remove most of his teeth and he is now much healthier. The stomatitis also causes certain bones to be more brittle so he also ended up with two broken hips at separate times leading to two different hip surgeries. You would never guess by looking at him now as he appears the picture of health. He is my kitty and he and Gizmo are the two that sleep in mine and hubby's room. They both curl up together on the bench that sits at the foot of our bed...and occasionally on the bed with us too.


Rascal and Gizmo when they thought no one was looking...
This is Max....


Max is the only kitty I ever actually paid money for. I got him at Pet Smart so he is still an adoption. He thinks he is a ferret. When you pick him up he just sort of hangs like a ferret. He is a very odd little kitty. He chose 'J' my 15 year old as his human and he basically lives in her room unless he is out to visit, eat or go potty.
Now for the ladies....
I'll start with the oldest and the highest ranking. This is Missy. She is the first cat I had and I had only her for about 6 years. We got Gizmo and he thinks Missy is his mommy because he was so young. Missy is grouchy but harmless to all the other cats. She is almost 16 years old.

This is Lacy...she chose 'C', my 16 year old for her human. Lacy is very dramatic and gets lonely very easily. She sleeps in the laundry room by the back door when we leave so she can be the first to know when we get home. Lacy and Rascal were adopted together and were raised as brother and sister so they are very close. Lacy has a remarkable girly personality.

Last but not least we have Lexie..she is pictured here with Gizmo. She is our most skittish kitty. She was highly abused as a kitten and still has great fear of humans. Someone must have done something really terrible to her because we have had her for three years now and she still has fear in her. We can pet her now and she stays out in the open around us but if you make a sudden move she hi tails it out of there.

Gizmo and Lexie
So those are my kitties. Do I think 6 inside is too many? Yea sometimes I think I am nuts. But we scoop kitty boxes,(yes plural meaning we have more than one), every day so the odor doesn't over run us. They are all declawed which I know some people think is cruel but we HAD to declaw Gizmo when he was little because he was so vicious and I didn't think it was fair to have one declawed and not the others. Plus this way I actually have curtains and furniture that isn't shredded AND most importantly I know I will not abandon or toss my animals outside where they would be defenseless. They have a good life...sometimes I actually get jealous of their life of leisure and relaxation along with the occasional cat nip binge...
SO even though you may think I am nuts...except Michelle :)...these are my 6 other kids and family members.
Thanks for listening....
please, nuts? No way...at one time (BC) I had 9....if you're nuts, then you've got plenty of company in nutville with me! Your furry family is just a beautiful as your human one...thanks for sharing.
how cute!!! they are so cute. are any of them like Baby- spoil & insecure? do any of them follow you to the bathroom and seet at your feet when u r using the potty? or follow u to the kids rooms and sit at your feet? and only reponds to "treats"?
LOL...meet my cat-baby! LOL
Nope, I don't think you're nuts at all! As of now, only one of ours is declawed and I am re-thinking that choice every time I look at the back of my beloved loveseat we got recently...
They are too precious and I love the stories to go with. Your high dollar cat looks almost exactly like our high dollare one!! As for 6 being too many, we had 10 but 3 have passed away due to cancer and old age.
Did I forget to mention the 6 strays I feed outside? They are supposedly feral and run from everyone and everything, but they damn near climb my legs to get pets and love on me everytime I walk out the door.
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