My last post said we were going to have to wait to finish the six tracks on our CD for two weeks due to everyones schedule being so tight...but apparently God had other plans! Within hours on Wednesday we suddenly had plans to camp in the studio Thursday night until all six tracks were done with the exception of editing which we don't have to be there for. As we began last night in the studio my partners voice was stressed and I was mixing up lines from a song. We were doing second and third takes on a song for the second time and we realized what was missing...and took a break for prayer. Afterwards the Holy Spirit took over and the night just flowed along. We had fun...and we finished all 6 tracks last night. Our studio guy says he has an open schedule today so he will have the editing done by this evening! According to plan I will have a shiny CD in my hot little hand this evening around 5 or 6!
Wednesday afternoon we got a CD with two of the completed tracks on it. G thinks it is just totally amazing and now as soon as we get into the van she announces "I want to hear the Mommy and Ms Dawn CD!" She sits in her seat belting out every note along with us and then says, "play it again!". She is our #1 fan!
Now people are talking bar codes and marketing and although we are as small town as it gets I still feel caught up in this whirlwind of anticipation.
I am still in awe that this has all come about so quickly and so easily. It just all feels so right. Thank you to all of you who have encouraged me. I have had a couple of people ask me what we call ourselves. We have decided on 'Ascending Praise'. I placed some of the definitions of ascending below...even though we all know what it means the actual meaning gives new light to how we view our music.
–adjective1. | moving upward; rising. |
2. | growing or directed upward |
- To move upward upon or along; climb: ascended the mountain.
- To succeed to; occupy
- Moving or progressing toward a higher level, (I especially like this one!)
Karen-that is just wonderful that you had it finish...but only six songs? After the sixth song, I'm gonna want to hear more! LOL
Here is a suggestion, that you and your band become a non-for-profit ministry, so that when you do collect donations and selling of the CD's,etc.etc...its not a profit but towards the ministry you started and it can be a tax write off. If you wanna talk about this more, call me...
Hopefully you will have enough CD's made to sell at the Fair (wink..hint hint!)
I look forward to seeing your CD and perhaps buying one!
do you know what your cover will look like?
Oh Dee you are a mind reader....everything you stated we have already set into motion. We have a young girl from church that does awesome graphics working on a cover design. We are gearing towards having a small display set up for the fair on Sunday when we have the 'Gospel Sing'. I am working on about 30 or 40 letters to print up and mail out, along with a copy of the CD, to many surrounding area churches so that if any of them are interested in us as musical guests we could come and then of course we will offer the CD for sale with a percentage of each sale going to the church. The guy who runs the recording studio also wants us to sell them at our local Walmart and he will of course sell them in his music store that is in the front of the studio...
We originally planned on 8 songs but have settled for six in hopes of having more to offer when we some to sing. We are working on a few new songs too and will be gearing towards another CD in about 8 months.
This has all been the work of God. When I first felt led to make this CD I knew nobody that could help me with the details and God literally opened doors for me and directed me right to wear I needed to be.
maybe when we do the cook books, we can sell your CD's too.
I was also thinking maybe ebay? or something like Ebay.
i have other ideas too but will tell u in person!
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