Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Sleeping Beauty

I bought it...I told myself I could resist and that we didn't need every Disney, Backyardigans, Mickey Mouse, etc. movie that came out on DVD, but Wal-Mart is smart and they wrapped the movie up in a pretty box that held extra pretty princess things, like rings and a pretty lip gloss with a crown topper and princess nail polish, for my little girl to ooh and ahhh over. Then they set it on a shelf with only two other pretty boxes, and a bunch of plain Sleeping Beauty DVD's, so I would think that was all that was left when in reality they probably had 100 other pretty boxes in the back of the store! So I bought it and brought it home for my little princess. She had been asking for it since she had first seen the commercials for it to be released today.

We just finished watching it, all three of my girls and I. It had been a long time since I had seen it. There are allot of intense scenes that I didn't recall from when I was little. G did okay as long as she could look at me and say, "it ends happy though right Mommy?" Sometimes I wonder why Disney makes their movies so intense for such young viewers. Then I remember watching them when I was little and I never had any horrible nightmares from the movies...I loved them all. I especially loved the happy endings and when the evil witch was defeated. I haven't let G watch the parts of Tarzan or The Lion King where the parents die...I'm just not sure I want to try and explain that to my very literal little girl just yet so for now I am her movie editor!

I love to see movies with my kids that I remember and loved as a child myself. The new flicks are great too but nothing beats a classic!

1 comment:

Mom! Dude! said...

The classics bring us such comfort, don't they? My oldest is hooked on Scooby-Doo right now and I just feel good when I hear Scooby say "ruh-ruh, Raggy" (uh, oh, Shaggy)...I remember hearing that when I was a little girl. It just brings a smile to my face, and my heart!


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