Friday, September 26, 2008

Walking Pneumonia?

Last night was terrible. I must have coughed ten thousand times. A spot in my back is hurting and my ribs ache with every breath. This morning I called the doctor just to see if they could call me in something for my cough. I was so mad at the receptionist when she told me I had to schedule an appointment and be seen by the doctor. All I want is some cough medicine so I can sleep!! Against my wishes I scheduled an appointment for 4:30 this afternoon. I was still mad when I walked into the doctors office. I was just sure this was their conniving way to get rich off of my insurance company. So I went in and the doctor checked me over. After he listened to my lungs he tells me he would like to get a quick x-ray..."Oh sure", I think, "get all the loot you can off of my little flu virus!" After the x-ray the doc comes back and tells me I have walking pneumonia..."What!" I don't feel that bad. I'm just tired and fluish...and coughing nonstop..achy all over....hmmmmm, I've been pretty sick. He then tells me to go home and lie down, (this was when I laughed so hard I peed my pants and went into a major coughing fit). He then explains to me that I really do need to rest and do I need a note for work. I told him no, it wouldn't do any boss is only 3 and she couldn't read the note. He smiles and looks at me sort of funny..was he amused or was that pity I wonder? He sends me out with a prescription for antibiotics and some cough medicine which he assures me will help my cough or at least make me so happy I won't care that I'm coughing anymore!

So how about that? I was wrong! The doctors office was just looking out for my best interest...(still not sure I believe that myself...)!

Now I am going to try to rest in between taking care of G, and picking up my 15 year old, J, from her football game tonight. And of course this is the week hubby is 'on call' so he is out chasing leads and catching criminals....this leaves me on my own for most of the night. Worst of all I can't take my happy juice/cough medicine until at least 11:30 or midnight because I have to pick up J after the game!! Ohhhhh...I am so tired.

1 comment:

Mom! Dude! said...

Oh, dear, I was afraid of that. I had that for 7 long months last year. At one point, I truly thought I was dying, that I had some terminal disease.

PLEASE, do the very best you can to rest. I've come to believe that getting proper rest is half the solution to most everything in life! Keep us posted.


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