Monday, December 29, 2008

The Shack

Let me introduce you to a book that will change your life forever. It was a Christmas gift for me from my best friend. She gave it to me with tears in her eyes as she explained what she could of the book to me. It is not easy reading. It is the story of a man named Mack, and of his struggle to deal with the kidnapping and murder of his 6 year old little girl. This is not a grusome book...but a book about life, and how we can live it to it's fullest. Mack has an experience with God that we should all be blessed enough to experience...and can through reading these pages. I actually had to stop reading at points in the book to allow my mind and heart to absorb all I had read. I shed tears in almost every chapter...tears of joy, tears of compassion, tears of reconciliation...I know I have been genuinly changed. I have a better comprehension of who we, as the human race, are and how we are made react to and with one another and with God. This book didn't tell me anything I didn't already know just made it all transparently clear. The cost of the book is about $15.oo and well worth every penny

Although this book is fictional, it certainly does not effect it's ability to be life changing.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Happy Birthday

Today is my birthday and I am not sure how I feel about it. Hubby is sick and sleeping so my 'dinner and a movie' date is out. I guess I may be feeling a bit sorry for myself. I was thinking that it has been about 25 years since anyone has given me a birthday party or a cake. I don't know where we get the idea that birthdays become less significant with age. I am 43 me that is even more of an accomplishment than 16, or 18 or even 21!! I have survived so much in my 43 years. I have learned, laughed, loved and cried. Everyone else had a party this year...all the kids and hubby too...(boy I am feeling sorry for myself!!). I got a phone call this morning from my mom and stepdad and instead of Happy Birthday I got asked to take them to Walmart so they could pick up a new battery for their truck. No mention of the day there either....
I am not in need of a bunch of gifts or elaborate measures...just a small cake and a few friends would be nice. I even, very out of characterly, dropped a few hints over the past few months of how nice it would be to have a small party...intimate, with friends.
Ok, I guess it's not that big of a deal right? There is always next year...

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Almost Christmas...

Christmas is almost here and the stores are packed. I am completely finished with my shopping but it seems like I cannot avoid having to go back out into the rush of it all. I will be sure I have everything I need and then some little important item will be needed and I am forced out into the rush again. Yesterday it was boxes, I realized in the midst of all the wrapping that I was three boxes short, so it was off to Walmart. I pulled into the parking lot and was amazed at the chaos. I found a spot...after 20 minutes of searching...and made my way into the store. Somehow, even though the pack of boxes was only 3 dollars I ended up with almost $100.00 of merchandise!! How in the world did I do that!!

So today my one item that popped up was Tostitos Scoops per requested by my mother in law...I thought I had read the email right and I got Tostitos chips...but then when I re-read the email it said Scoops. Well no way was showing up with regular Tostitos when she specifically requested the off to Walmart. I did better today and only spent $58.00, well thats better than $100.00 right?

The funniest thing of all....on the way home I realized we needed carrots and celery for the reindeer! Oh well...tomorrow I will just run out to Walmart and pick some up!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmas Decorations

Last weekend, amidst all the Black Friday chaos, dinners and friends, we decorated for Christmas. It is our family tradition to decorate the weekend after Thanksgiving. I love tradition. I remember when I was growing up the security I felt in knowing that some things always stay the same. Life happens, good and bad, so I always remember to keep some things solid and consistant, no matter what, for my girls to depend on. Of course they have their daddy and me and our love which will always remain consistant...but some things need to remain the same for the sake of feeling that no matter what life continues.

So we decorated even though inside I was so very tired that all I really wanted to do was sleep, (you know, the mom kind of sleep where you still hear everything but somehow you look like you are sleeping!). I went Black Friday shopping this year and I am so glad I did as I had more fun than I have had in awhile, as a woman, not a wife or mom, just as me! So I battled the sleepiness as we decorated our home.

They talked me into putting some of the presents under the tree, because it looks so pretty! Now every morning G asks if they can open some "today" and I have to say..."not today".

G enjoyed helping her sisters build this gingerbread train, and giggled as daddy threatened to eat it bit by bit. We still have a gingerbread house to build too.

Most of my decorations I have had for many years and still love to bring them out every year to look at. We also buy each of the kids a yearly ornament for the tree, so every year there are three new ones added to the bunch. I also add a few more if I see something I just can't resist. We have actually moved away from the traditional breakable balls to more of the homemade or personalized ornaments. I still have all the ones the kids made in grade school of course and to their dismay sometimes! And every year the day after Christmas I go out and get the decorations I had my eye on at 75% off and store them away so the next year when we pull them out there are a few new surprises.

Of course the rain over the weekend dampened our outside decorating but we will sure take care of that this weekend! So do you all have your decorations up yet?

Sunday, November 23, 2008


This is a very sad story...and the images are old and hard to look at . But there is a very good lesson in life within it...

Almost 20 years ago today I gave birth to my first daughter, my first child. She weighed only 5 pounds 12 ounces and I only held her once.

The story began nine months earlier. I was young, 22 years old, and I was with, but not married to, my first husband and the father of my two oldest daughters. I was on birth control pills so I was not expecting to become pregnant. I was about 10 weeks along before the idea even crossed my mind. When I took a test and the result was positive I was horrified. I didn’t want to be pregnant, I didn’t want to be a mom, and I didn’t want to carry this baby. I immediately made an appointment to have the pregnancy, the child, aborted. My appointment was in 9 days and during those days I completely ignored the life inside me. Every reminder made me angry and was nothing more than an inconvenience. The day arrived for my procedure, as I called it, and I arrived about 20 minutes early. I signed the register, filled out the first time patient info and took my seat. 15 more minutes passed as I sat. Then the door opened and a young nurse called my name. I didn’t flinch. All of a sudden I couldn’t move. She called again and still I sat. I told myself to get up and get it over with but my body would not respond to me. This was what I wanted…to terminate this problem that was inside me. But still I sat. She closed the door and I sat for another 30 minutes and then I got up and left.

I didn’t know what to do. No one knew I was pregnant. I thought of running away and having the baby and putting it up for adoption and then coming back home. But I knew that was impossible…my mom, my boyfriend, they would find me and I was too young and had no job.

Okay…so I had to tell them. I told my boyfriend first, and he didn’t believe me. The stress I had been under was making us fight and we hadn’t seen much of each other and he thought I was using it as a ploy to make us closer. In reality I was glad for the separation and was enjoying some quiet and solace from the arguing. So I let it go, and I let him go. Next I told my mom. She wasn’t mad as I thought she would be. Instead she hugged me and told me she was sorry I had been worrying about it so long all alone. I was now almost 15 weeks pregnant. She made me an ob appointment and off we went. I heard the heartbeat. Took all the tests. Went to all the rest of the appointments and took my vitamins.

We bought unisex clothes, (I opted not to know the sex), and we bought a bassinet and all the other newborn things I would need to care for my baby. We set everything up in my room and I fiddled and nested everyday.

At 20 weeks I still was not really ‘showing’, but I began to finally feel what I knew to be definite movement, signs of the life growing inside me. Halfway there and still scared and confused. My mom was overjoyed, as I was living at home again, and she was excited at the prospect of the tiny newborn that was about to come into our lives. I began to get excited too but was very immature and had never dealt with or even held a small child or an infant. I was the youngest in my family. I was spoiled and unprepared for life.

In my 22 years I had always focused on me and had not really even decided if children were something I wanted or not. I resented this obstruction and felt like something had been stolen from me. At the same time however, I had this amazing maternal instinct kicking in and it was quite confusing and unsettling to be bouncing back and forth from resentment to overwhelming love and joy at the excitement of seeing, holding, and falling in love with this tiny life inside me.

By the time I was 35 weeks along and coming to the final few weeks all focus had turned on the birth and the anticipation of becoming a mom. In all reality I knew that my mom, who was only 45 years old, would have been the rock that pulled me through this experience. I was flying by her lead. She was my resource book of information. She was the shoulder I cried on when I was overwhelmed. She had attended every prenatal visit with me.

Then when I was 37 weeks pregnant I began having pains in the night. The pain was above my belly just under my rib cage. I went to the emergency room and everything checked out ok…they actually just assumed I had some heartburn that I was not accustomed to. They weren’t busy though and the ultrasound tech offered to scan the baby just to take a look. She was joking with me as we rolled into the room to see if I wanted her to try and get a peek at the sex of the baby or if I still wanted to wait. I told her maybe…depending on if she could tell for absolute sure or not. As she began to scan my belly she suddenly got very quiet. Then she abruptly shut off the monitor and told me she would be right back. I asked her, as she was rushing out of the room, if she could tell the sex of the baby or not and she just said, “no, I couldn’t see it”, without even pausing as she exited the room. I lay there for about 5 the dimly lit room with my unborn child squirming inside me. Then another tech, a male this time, came in and said “ok, we are all done here”. I was a little confused, but still was alone and very young and had never had any experience in the medical procedures and techniques to do with pregnancy or anything else for that matter. I was easily bossed and foolishly trusted that everyone would always do what was best for me and those I loved. So I accepted their dismissal with no questions. That was a grave mistake that would haunt me forever….

My 40 weeks came and passed as we all awaited the birth of my first born. Then in the middle of the night on November 30, 1988, I woke up with a contraction. I was 11 days past my due date. We gathered our things and headed to the hospital. My labor wasn’t too bad. We were happy and everything seemed to be going along as it should be. By 9:20 am I was 10 centimeters and ready to deliver my child. Then at 10:12am she was born…

Immediately chaos ensued. They didn’t hold her up for me to see. There were suddenly 20 or more people in my room and I could only look in the direction of where I new my child was. I never heard her cry. I asked if it was a girl or a boy and a nurse told me it was a girl. Someone came over and told me they were taking her to another room to ‘work’ on her, they told me she was having difficulties breathing and maintaining a heartbeat. For the next 20 minutes they repeatedly came in giving me updates and asking me questions about family medical histories. Then they told me they were airlifting her to another local hospital, a trauma center, which had a neonatal intensive care unit or NICU. They told me they would bring her through my room on her way to the roof. They described to me what I would see….there were no words however that would have prepared me….

Krystal just before they airlifted her to Shands

All I could do was reach in and hold her fingers. I pleaded to be able to just kiss her anywhere and I was helped to lean in and kiss her foot. Her eyes were open…she looked right at me…and I wept.

During the next hour I had to sign papers and argue my way out of the hospital to go to be by my child’s side. The staff did not want me to leave but I knew I was not going to sit idly by and wait. I needed to be closer to her, not separated by miles in-between us.

When I arrived at the other hospital I was wheeled up to the floor she was on but I was not allowed in to be with her. I was told that I needed to wait for the doctors to come and speak with me. I waited for almost 20 minutes. A young doctor came out and he told me they had done all they could, but that she had a problem with her heart and that her heart was not going to be able to sustain her life. She was going to die and it would be in the next few minutes. The wheeled me in to where she was. She was unconscious and barely taking a breath. They had removed the tubes and they had dressed her in a gown. They placed this beautiful tiny child in my arms and she died in 37 seconds.

They snapped this just as they placed her in my arms...

This was the first baby I had ever held. I didn’t know what to do. I cried and cried and was afraid to let her go. I couldn’t tell you how long I held her. Someone took her from me and they placed her in a bassinet beside my chair. After awhile they told me they needed me to go back to the hospital I had given birth at. They took my by ambulance and I never saw my child again. The next day the doctor that had preformed the autopsy on her came to my hospital and sat with me. He brought me a lock of her hair and the gown she had worn, along with her ID anklet and bracelet. He also brought me the Polaroid shots that you see here. He told me that her heart had somehow become enlarged during about my 30th week of pregnancy. He told me that the reason it wasn’t detected was because it was after my ultrasound, (the first one my ob had done that was on my records), and that no detection could have been made by listening to the heartbeat because as long as she was in utero with the umbilical cord attached the heart still maintained its normal function. It was birth that killed her. The separation of us…when she became dependant on her own heart to sustain her and not mine.

He said he had never come across a case like this before. He labeled it as cardiomyopathy that killed her…but with no known cause of why it had developed. Then he said it was most likely genetic and that I should be screened very carefully before having any other children.

The next weeks were a nightmare. They moved me off the maternity floor when I returned to the hospital and I had no post natal nurses to care for me or teach me how to care for myself after a birth. Two weeks later I ended up back in the same hospital with a massive uterine infection and high fevers that were causing me to have night terrors at night of them stealing my baby from me. I would be woken up from the nurses screaming for them to bring her back to me. After I was physically healed I was feeling so many mixed emotions. I should have had counseling but I never did. When I returned home everything we had bought for my baby was gone…packed or given away. I wish I could have held everything one more time. Touched the bed she would have slept in once more, but it was all gone in the hope of protecting me. Months went by and I would see a baby I thought was about how she would have looked and I would openly breakdown and cry. Just seeing a carseat in a car was enough to overcome me.

I remembered the ultrasound incident that night in the hospital and then understood that these young untrained techs had been mortified and scared by what they had seen and that was why the reaction was so odd. They must have been terrified to have been playing around hoping to see some cute baby images when instead they detected a defect and ignored it.

I thought sometimes that she was taken from me because in the beginning I didn’t want her and the guilt began to be all-consuming.Then as the years went by, and I grew and matured, I began to realize that God does not hurt us or take from us. He gives us all that we need and sometimes His lessons are tough. I was, at 22, a young foolish child that took life and everything it held for granted. I was selfish and self centered. Then within ten months time I was taught one of the most important lessons I would ever learn. Love, unconditional. I learned how to love from the depths of my heart with no boundaries and no limits. I learned it wasn’t all about me, and I learned that I was, one day, going to be the best mom to my children as I could be. I learned they will always come first no matter what and I knew I would be thankful and careful with them from the moment they existed deep beneath my heart.

Thank you Krystal my love…and thank you God...

Just a footnote…..Almost 20 years later in the hospital after delivering my beautiful daughter G, I was given the German measles vaccine. I asked them why they were giving it to me again as I had received it a number of times before, and they explained that I had tested negative for the antibody during my pregnancy and they were required to give it to me before I could go home. At that moment a revelation flooded me. I remembered getting the vaccine during the time I was pregnant with Krystal, right around 28 weeks, just as clear as if it had been yesterday. I didn’t mention it to the nurse but I did ask her why they had to wait until after delivery and she said it was not allowed to be given to a pregnant woman for safety reasons. I went home and researched the vaccine and sure enough one of the complications from the vaccine administered during pregnancy is cardiomyopathy in the unborn child. I looked into study dates and found out this was a known complication as far back as 1986…two years before Krystal was born.

Too late for the court systems and bringing the doctor to justice…but not too late for me to know I didn’t will my unborn child to an early death. Terrible things happen in this world we live in. But God will always be with us and carry us through if we let Him. Yes, I still cry this time of year...I don't believe there is a parent that has lost a child anywhere that does not still feel overwhelmed from the loss at times no matter how long it has been. But I learned...I loved...and she is with our Heavenly Father, where I will once again hold her one day.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Second Hand Smoke Kicks My Butt

OK...I haven't posted for awhile. Things have been pretty hectic for me! I have been once again struck down by a simple virus that everyone around me just bounced right through...but for turns into bronchitis this time! So I am on the finishing rounds of antibiotics, steroids, combination Ipratropium Bromide and Albuterol nebulizer breathing treatments along with my other normal asthma meds to boot!!

Needless to say I have got to get this asthma under control! My doctor, for now, has prescribed me a stronger level of Advair, which I take daily, for me to use whenever I am beginning to come down with a virus in the hopes of that along with breathing treatments will allow my own immunity to keep my lungs from becoming infected again. Apparently I am ridding myself of the virus just fine but my poor working lungs don't survive without an infection.

The cause of all my troubles?? Well you can guess that from the title. I was brought up in a household with a smoker who smoked inside and in our car all the while when I was growing up. Then my first husband also smoked inside...until I had my first daughter at 25 and booted him out to do his nasty habit.

So here I am, never have puffed a single cigarette, but stuck battling the results of poor functioning lungs due to second hand smoke damage.

I wasn't diagnosed with my asthma until I was 23 years it was not a condition I was born with but rather one that took years of exposure to develop. The good news is it is not hereditary so my children should be fine.

So I will be seeking out a specialist and a treatment regimen that works better for me. I know several people who suffer this disease and fair much better than I do even though their lung capacity is much worse so I know there is help out there. I just don't think the family practitioner that I am relying on now to help me can offer the best there is for me.
My asthma has become a big obstacle for me, but one that I am determined to overcome. I am going to schedule myself an appointment with a good pulmonologist and see what other options and treatments are available to me.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I Need Sleep!

I need sleep so bad! I feel like I am operating on pure caffeine. It seems like the minute I fall asleep it is time to get up again. It takes everything in me to crawl out of bed. Sometimes I am tempted to just stay in bed but of course I can't! It seems there are not enough hours in the day so the thing I cut out is my sleep. I know all these things need to be done but why am I the only one who see's it?? and does it???

Ironically on the days that everyone is here I will tell them I am exhausted and I am going to take a nap, but when I lie down it never fails the household falls apart! G is screaming and C and J are bickering...and daddy?? he is at his computer immersed in a game with headphones!!!! But I am scolded because instead of napping I get up and tell C and J to stop bickering and take care of whatever G is upset about...all of which takes 3 minutes but I am now too PO'd to even dare try to go and take a nap!

I just figured it out!!! Next nice chilly day we have I am going to load myself up on the pretense of going Christmas shopping...and instead I will drive to a nice quiet spot...lock the doors and take a nice long snooze in the 'mom van'

Think I can get away with it!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

My Other Kids...

Well, I have talked about my family and my hobbies and my hangups. Now I am going to introduce you to my 6 other children. I have 6 cats. They all live indoors. They are all spayed and/or neutered. I have three boys and three girls. I will introduce you to the boys first. This is Gizmo.


Gizmo is the alpha male. He is very large and 'ferrell', I am told by my vet. He is the only cat we have that I have to warn people about. He a dog...but only if someone he doesn't like pets him. We almost didn't keep him. We got him when we only had one other cat and he was about 3 weeks old and abandoned. We bottle fed him and he bonded with my hubby. He still favors my husband over anyone else. He is sweet to all family members...but we don't pick him up unless we are taking him to the vet.

The next male in the line of authority is Rascal


Rascal is our $4600.00 kitty. He has had two hip operations and has had most of his teeth removed, (all the back ones...he only has his little front teeth and his fangs). He had a condition called 'stomatitis' and was allergic to the plaque on his teeth. Treatments didn't work and made him really sick so we chose to remove most of his teeth and he is now much healthier. The stomatitis also causes certain bones to be more brittle so he also ended up with two broken hips at separate times leading to two different hip surgeries. You would never guess by looking at him now as he appears the picture of health. He is my kitty and he and Gizmo are the two that sleep in mine and hubby's room. They both curl up together on the bench that sits at the foot of our bed...and occasionally on the bed with us too.


Rascal and Gizmo when they thought no one was looking...

This is Max....



Max is the only kitty I ever actually paid money for. I got him at Pet Smart so he is still an adoption. He thinks he is a ferret. When you pick him up he just sort of hangs like a ferret. He is a very odd little kitty. He chose 'J' my 15 year old as his human and he basically lives in her room unless he is out to visit, eat or go potty.

Now for the ladies....

I'll start with the oldest and the highest ranking. This is Missy. She is the first cat I had and I had only her for about 6 years. We got Gizmo and he thinks Missy is his mommy because he was so young. Missy is grouchy but harmless to all the other cats. She is almost 16 years old.


This is Lacy...she chose 'C', my 16 year old for her human. Lacy is very dramatic and gets lonely very easily. She sleeps in the laundry room by the back door when we leave so she can be the first to know when we get home. Lacy and Rascal were adopted together and were raised as brother and sister so they are very close. Lacy has a remarkable girly personality.


Last but not least we have Lexie..she is pictured here with Gizmo. She is our most skittish kitty. She was highly abused as a kitten and still has great fear of humans. Someone must have done something really terrible to her because we have had her for three years now and she still has fear in her. We can pet her now and she stays out in the open around us but if you make a sudden move she hi tails it out of there.

Gizmo and Lexie

So those are my kitties. Do I think 6 inside is too many? Yea sometimes I think I am nuts. But we scoop kitty boxes,(yes plural meaning we have more than one), every day so the odor doesn't over run us. They are all declawed which I know some people think is cruel but we HAD to declaw Gizmo when he was little because he was so vicious and I didn't think it was fair to have one declawed and not the others. Plus this way I actually have curtains and furniture that isn't shredded AND most importantly I know I will not abandon or toss my animals outside where they would be defenseless. They have a good life...sometimes I actually get jealous of their life of leisure and relaxation along with the occasional cat nip binge...

SO even though you may think I am nuts...except Michelle :)...these are my 6 other kids and family members.

Thanks for listening....

Friday, November 7, 2008

Her Best Friend

When G was 3 months old it was March of 2005. The Easter season was here and one of my friends saw a cute yellow and white checkered bunny with blue ears at Walmart and picked it up for G. G's face lit up the first time she saw him, it was love at first sight...

Over the past 3 years 'Bunny', (as he is appropriately named), has been through everything with G. He was there for her ear tube surgery, her 8 days at Shands with pneumonia and every doctor visit she goes to he goes with her, (her pediatrician knows him by name). Bunny goes with us on vacations and anytime we leave home he is with us. He no longer is allowed out of the car during day trips because she left him on a shelf in Walmart one time and I had to run through the store to find him like a mad woman! I was praying out loud dashing through the store trying to remember every aisle and every stop we had made. I almost cried when I saw him sitting ...waiting...on a corner shelf. As I am about to collapse G giggled and said "silly Bunny!"

Bunny gets a ride in Daddy's shoes....

Knowing my friend found him at Walmart during Easter season I decided to see if I could find a duplicate or two so that I had them to store 'just in case'. I have looked every Easter season and have never found one, still I continue to scout the aisle every season just in hope to find one.

G just adores her Bunny and I guess I am a little attached to the guy myself. After all how could I not be when she loves him this much!!

About once every two weeks or so Bunny gets a gentle cycle washing in the lingerie bag and a good dose of Downy to freshen him up. Then about every 6 months or so he will get a new ribbon for his neck. This time G picked out a nice bright yellow satin ribbon with a pretty sheer blue ribbon to go along with it for the Holidays. We gave him a bath this morning and I stitched and tied the new ribbons in place. I think the little guy looks pretty snazzy!!

G approves too!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A TIme For Prayer

I read an article last night, several actually, about a little golden monkey god that Barack Obama carries with him for luck in his pocket. Here is an excert from one of the articles:

Hanuman temple Priests believe that ties between India and US would grow stronger under Obama's presidency and said the prayers had been organized to ask Lord Hanuman God for Obama's success in the elections. "Barack Obama is a great believer in Lord Hanuman. His victory will benefit India," Brij Mohan Bhama, another Hanuman temple priest said, adding that they will appeal to Indians in the US to support Obama in his endeavour. A diplomatic official at the US Embassy said the group organizing prayers for Obama had read a Time magazine report which mentioned that he carried a "monkey king good luck charm.""Senator Obama showed his good luck charms like a tiny Madonna in the photograph. But people in Delhi are impressed and rooting for Obama. "A person who believes in Lord Hanuman and has his blessings can cross the greatest hurdles in life with ease. I will pray for him," Arati Misra, a Hanuman devotee said.

1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.

Remember these? The 1st and 2nd Commandments?

I do not hate Barack Obama. I am fearful of him. I am concerned for our country. His political views are not my major concern right now. This country has survived immoral politicians before and we can do it again. My concern is this great country that was founded as a "Nation Under God" has been delivered into the hands of someone that doesn't acknowledge our Lord. Will he be sworn in on the Bible? He has said not. Will he stand and salute our country and its flag on inauguration day? He has turned away during all times I have seen the pledge done in his presence. How can he lead our country to a better place if he leaves God behind in the process? Who will be his religous counsel? In the pasts presidents has relied on the likes of Billy Graham. Who will Obama choose?

The president-elect is constitutionally required to take the presidential oath as follows:

I do solemnly swear(or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, so help me God.

Will Obama recite this with all of his anti constitutional views?

J.F. Kennedy, who became the first Roman Catholic president, stated publicly that he would be loyal to the U.S. Constitution even if he had to go against a position that his church had taken. Will Obama make this same vow?

Folks all I am saying is that before all of the politcal this and thats that we go through with every election we at least have two candidates that openly love and support our country and what it was founded on. If Obama does not then why did he choose to be president? Why doesn't he go and be president of India if he wants to acknowledge their Humuman monkey god? All I can think of is that there is another reason he wants to have the power of the highest office and I will be praying for America...

Monday, November 3, 2008

Rides, junk food and a 1st place trophy update...

Pictures of the crazy ride we went on this weekend!!
(if you're confused read the previous entry and the pics will make sense)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Rides, junk food and a 1st place trophy

I am exhausted. We spent the past 4 days at the fair. My kids had a blast! They rode rides and ate junk food till they popped! I was even brave enough to ride the biggest scariest...most air timeiest ride at the fair...The Dream Catcher. I love roller coasters but this thing was phenominal! Not a roller coaster but a very high swinging pendelum with a spider looking arm thing on the end with 24 roller coaster type suspended chairs hanging on it. It takes you back and forth in the in the air almost going completely over the top but not quite...while all the time you are also spinning. It was awesome and my 15 year old loves that her mom will ride it with her! G rode the carousel at least 50 times over the weekend too!

I had the karaoke contest on Saturday. I was entered and so was my best friend Dawn. We didn't win but we did have allot of fun.

Today was the Gospel Sing and we were entered in a contest today for the title of Best Gospel Singer of Levy County. This time we placed 1st!!!

All in all we had a fantastic 4 days! Every bone in my body aches and I feel like I could sleep for a week but I wouldn't have wanted to miss a moment.

Friday, October 31, 2008

My Big Weekend!

Well it's here!! The weekend I have been waiting for has arrived. I am excited and nerveous! I have the karaoke contest this Saturday and then we are participating in the Gospel Sing on Sunday. I have to say the gospel sing will be fun...the karaoke is going to be nerve racking...the idea of being judged is just freaking me out!! I know I need to just relax and have fun with it....but it is impossible sometimes for me to keep my nerves in check! I guess I will reley on relaxation and prayer to get me through.

I will post about all the excitement on Monday!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


They look innocent enough don't they? One is 16 and one is 3 but when they are bickering it seems as if I am dealing with two 3 year olds! The other day we were riding home...from church I think...and I heard the fighting begin. They were arguing, over of all things, elbow placement between their two seats. G of course is in her car seat which has arm rests on it and C, my 16 year old, was sitting beside her. C made the mistake of resting her arm on G's armrest...which she wasn't using...and the fight was on. I glance in the mirror to see them elbowing each other back and forth so I say, "both of you knock it off NOW". Silence fills the van but as I glance in my mirror again I see G elbowing C silence this time to avoid my attention. I tell her again to stop and she replies, "but C is poking me". Ugh!!!

I used to worry about G being so young and not having a sibling young enough to relate to but the more I think about it the less I worry. Our kids have adjusted so easily to our family. I know within the next 4 years my two oldest may be moving out and going away to college and sometimes I worry about how G will cope. She will be 7 then and I worry it may be too traumatic to suddenly become an only child. Then I remember that I was only 13 when my older sister moved out and I wasn't traumatized at all....instead I took her room over and I adjusted just fine.

I love to watch or listen to them interact. The three of them have their own special way of communicating with each other and there are times that the love between the 3 of them is just so explicitly evident that it's all I can do to hold back the tears. I pray that love will last them a lifetime and keep them close even after I am gone.

"J ,my then 12 year old, reading to G"

All three in the sun reading and playing with bubbles...

Friday, October 24, 2008

God's Plan

My last post said we were going to have to wait to finish the six tracks on our CD for two weeks due to everyones schedule being so tight...but apparently God had other plans! Within hours on Wednesday we suddenly had plans to camp in the studio Thursday night until all six tracks were done with the exception of editing which we don't have to be there for. As we began last night in the studio my partners voice was stressed and I was mixing up lines from a song. We were doing second and third takes on a song for the second time and we realized what was missing...and took a break for prayer. Afterwards the Holy Spirit took over and the night just flowed along. We had fun...and we finished all 6 tracks last night. Our studio guy says he has an open schedule today so he will have the editing done by this evening! According to plan I will have a shiny CD in my hot little hand this evening around 5 or 6!

Wednesday afternoon we got a CD with two of the completed tracks on it. G thinks it is just totally amazing and now as soon as we get into the van she announces "I want to hear the Mommy and Ms Dawn CD!" She sits in her seat belting out every note along with us and then says, "play it again!". She is our #1 fan!

Now people are talking bar codes and marketing and although we are as small town as it gets I still feel caught up in this whirlwind of anticipation.

I am still in awe that this has all come about so quickly and so easily. It just all feels so right. Thank you to all of you who have encouraged me. I have had a couple of people ask me what we call ourselves. We have decided on 'Ascending Praise'. I placed some of the definitions of ascending below...even though we all know what it means the actual meaning gives new light to how we view our music.



1. moving upward; rising.
2. growing or directed upward

  1. To move upward upon or along; climb: ascended the mountain.
  2. To succeed to; occupy
  3. Moving or progressing toward a higher level, (I especially like this one!)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


It's the only word I can think of to describe working last night on the CD! The down side is our next studio time isn't for two weeks, but we are so busy with other projects right now that I know the time will just fly by. We got two tracks down last night and the guy doing the recording for us will be working on the mixing and editing in the meantime. I had only been in a recording studio one other time and that was when I was about 17 years old so I had forgotten the magic of listening to a song 'come together'. It was truely indescribable...

Now we have the county fair quickly coming up. I am in a karaoke singing competition and in a 'gospel sing' there too.

G is still sleeping and it is 8:38am as I am typing. Thats a little odd. It's funny how she chooses mornings that I am inevitably awake early to sleep in...but any morning that I am able to sleep in,(sleep in being until 8am), she is up by 6:30 or 7!

I have Christmas on the brain and I know that is adding to the slight euphoria that I have been feeling the past couple of days. It doesn't help that Walmart has set up their Christmas section when it isn't even Halloween yet! G saw all the trees and decorations and now it is a mandatory stop to ooooh and ahhhh every time we enter the store. The kids have been giving me Christmas list items already too!

I truly love this time of year! I feel the season brings the world a little closer for awhile. There is a little more kindness, a little more compassion, a little more giving and a little more peace. The gearing up for the celebration of the birth of our Savior brings more thankfulness also. I am thankful this morning. Thankful for my family, our health, our home and our needs met. I am thankful for the joys in my life and the sorrows that help me to more appreciate the joys. I am thankful for the friends I have , especially for one that is becoming closer everyday and sharing this new spiritual and musical adventure with me. I am happy today and I know it comes from beginning to fulfill a dream I have carried around with me for a lifetime....

thank you Dawn...

Sunday, October 19, 2008

It's Going to Happen!

Tuesday night my singing partner and I are meeting at a local recording studio to begin laying tracks for our first CD! I am nervous but oh so very excited. We sat down on Saturday and discussed what songs we want to include on it and everything just seems to be moving along swiftly. I can't wait to hear what it sounds like! I have so many things musically and spiritually going on I feel like I can hardly contain myself!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Cowboy Church

There is a horse park in Williston and every Thursday night at 7pm you will hear one additional commotion above the kids playing and barrell racing practice. The sound of a dinner triangle ringing out signaling a spiritual meal...the beginning of Cowboy Church. The service is held under a pole barn right in the midst of all the activity. As darkness falls the sounds of gospel music fills the air and you begin to feel the presence of God fall among the worshipers.

I had the priviledge of being among this group of true cowboys,(and girls!)...true followers of Christ, last night. I witnessed the baptism of a young girl that gave her life to Christ only one week ago...she was baptized in a sparkling silver water trough...and she came up clean! Thats the wonder and glory of God. We don't need a building or fancy clothes. You don't need a Sunday or a Wednesday. You can experience the presence of God where ever and whenever you want to.

One of my very best friends in the whole world is also my singing partner. We sing christian music and last night we were the musical guests at Cowboy Church. We always sing best when the presence of God is welcomed and acknowledged. Last night we sang great! We were asked...for the 3rd time now...if we had any CD's available for purchase. Our answer is always "not yet!". I feel the urging from God to go ahead with our plans to make our CD. We have been saying we will do it for months now and I feel as though this is something we need to go ahead and do.

Cowboy Church was a refreshing new experience for me. We were there as guests to provide music but I think the giving and receiving went both ways last night. As my friend and I ministered my goosebumps weren't from an October night spirit was aware of His presence and I welcomed the flowing spirit of His annointing.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Dentist Fear

G has her first dentist appointment on Wednesday and I am worried because she has her mind set that she doesn't want to go. She isn't much on doctors with all she has been through. It took me a couple of days to finally find the dentist I wanted to take her to. (Why can't all dentists see kids? Most of them say no unless they are 8 years old and up!) So after about 12 phone calls I finally found a very non aggressive and highly recommended dentist that would allow me to go back with her for the appointment. No way is my 3 year old child going to be alone in a room with someone I don't know!! I haven't been talking to her about it very much because I don't want her to dwell on it. Whenever she does hear me mention it she tells me, "remember mommy, I said I don't want to go to the dentist". Isn't that insane?! She has never seen or heard about anyone having a bad experience with the dentist. She even has a couple of books about going to the dentist. I think she has some kind of phobia about people looking into her mouth,nose and/or ears. When we go to her pediatrician it takes lots of coaxing to get her to open up and sometimes she won't and the doctor has to use that horrible wooden stick to get her to open up!!

Anyone have any good advice to offer??

Thursday, October 9, 2008


...cost only $4.00 at a consignment shop yesterday...

I don't know how many of you know who or what the Backyardigans are but my daughter G does and she loves them. Yesterday on a whim a girlfriend and I decided to hit up a bunch of consignment shops in town and when G saw this Backyardigan Uniqua outfit she carried it all through the store until I finished shopping. We bought it and she so badly wanted to wear it yesterday but I told her she had to wait for me to wash it. She put it on today and stood in front of the mirror beaming. The only thing that would have made it better would be if the outfit had been Tasha,(the yellow Hippo with the red dress in her lap), instead!

Uniqua outfit....$4.00
My 3 year old with a face that happy...priceless!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Sleeping Beauty

I bought it...I told myself I could resist and that we didn't need every Disney, Backyardigans, Mickey Mouse, etc. movie that came out on DVD, but Wal-Mart is smart and they wrapped the movie up in a pretty box that held extra pretty princess things, like rings and a pretty lip gloss with a crown topper and princess nail polish, for my little girl to ooh and ahhh over. Then they set it on a shelf with only two other pretty boxes, and a bunch of plain Sleeping Beauty DVD's, so I would think that was all that was left when in reality they probably had 100 other pretty boxes in the back of the store! So I bought it and brought it home for my little princess. She had been asking for it since she had first seen the commercials for it to be released today.

We just finished watching it, all three of my girls and I. It had been a long time since I had seen it. There are allot of intense scenes that I didn't recall from when I was little. G did okay as long as she could look at me and say, "it ends happy though right Mommy?" Sometimes I wonder why Disney makes their movies so intense for such young viewers. Then I remember watching them when I was little and I never had any horrible nightmares from the movies...I loved them all. I especially loved the happy endings and when the evil witch was defeated. I haven't let G watch the parts of Tarzan or The Lion King where the parents die...I'm just not sure I want to try and explain that to my very literal little girl just yet so for now I am her movie editor!

I love to see movies with my kids that I remember and loved as a child myself. The new flicks are great too but nothing beats a classic!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Lost in "The Forgotten Zone"

I don't know how our society has gotten so very messed up. Why do people have kids if they don't want them? I ask this because I see so many moms and dads out there that just don't seem to care about their kids. I see them in the store with dirty kids...I mean really dirty kids. I see them with dirty shoes....knotted hair. I see parents that are just plain mean to their children, like they don't even like them...much less love them. Sometimes it is just a case of seeing the child and the complete lack of happiness in their face. My 16 year old daughter C and I were in the store a few weeks ago and saw a girl that looked to be about three years old....same as G, who was with us too. This little girl was looking at C and I interacting and laughing with G. I mentioned her to C, and told her to look at how she was watching us. I smiled at the little girl...but she just looked on at us. She was dirty and her mom was not paying her any attention at all. C and I talked about how sad she looked and how sad it was because that little girl should be like G is...giggley, happy and secure, but that instead she looked so....lost. I wanted to run over and hug her and tell her it was okay and that she was a good girl and she was special. It hurts me to see this going on in our society so much. I know this is not what our society considers abuse, but to me this is one of the worst kind because these kids are the ones that no one can intervene with. They are the ones lost in 'the forgotten zone'. They are not what we have labeled as abused children. They are not considered to be in iminent danger. They are being provided with the basics of life... shelter, food and clothing. The fact that the food is scarce and lacking nutritional value and the clothes are dirty and appear to be on their last thread are not a major factor in our society. I don't care how financially burdened you are, your children can be in clean clothes and can be clean themselves. When my two teens were babies I was in a marriage that was disasterous. I was living in a small trailer with my kids and no car. I relied on my feet to get me back and forth to the grocery store and to church. I washed all of our clothes in our bath tub. I scrubbed them clean with my hands and rung them dry and then hung them on a line to finish. I did this when my babies were 2 years and 10 months old so all you moms out there know how many clothes I went through! My kids never wore dirty clothes. They were always clean too. I didn't feel one bit of bitterness or resentment while I was scrubbing those clothes...just love and protection. This just makes it all the worse for me when I see these kids out there looking sad, dirty and so lost.

I see little kids left in cars alone...
I see little kids with no one holding their hand in a parking lot...
I see them riding in cars with no seat belts or car seat...
I see and hear them yelled at and degraded...
I hear them being told they are stupid and worthless...
I hear them being told by their own parent that they wish they had never been born...

These poor kids don't know what it feels like to loved and snuggled. They don't know the security of mommy's or daddy's arms. Some of theses parents aren't going through anything stressful in their lives but instead they just really have no interest in their children at all. I know at times parents go through painful times and how it is hard when you as an adult are suffering and hurting inside to keep your heart open and joyful for your children. This is something you just have to do as a parent. I did it. I went through a horrible divorce with restraining orders and violence but never deprived my kids of giggles, laughter, love and snuggles.

So I wonder why people have children if they don't want them? Everyone makes excuses...

I didn't plan on getting pregnant..
I never wanted kids...
Being a mom/dad is not what I thought it would be...

So why not use birth control...and if it fails...why not allow a loving parent to adopt the baby?

I wish we were a society that had the resources to help these kids...

Friday, October 3, 2008

Not Again!

Last night G was up coughing like crazy. I was up with her at 2am giving her a nebulizer breathing treatment. This cough is the kind that sounds all all know what I mean...the kind you steer your cart away from in the grocery store when some mom was crazy enough to bring her very sick child into the store to do a weeks worth of shopping! And why is it when you see those poor kids that are coughing all horrible like that they are always dirty??!! I saw one in Walmart on Thursday and the poor kid was filthy, coughing and had green goo running down his face from his nose!!! How can these moms push the cart around with a child like that right in front of them without cleaning them up!!!

Okay...back to G. So I took her to the doctor today and now we are back on antibiotics, Zithromax this time, and she also put her on prednisone. We are also doing albuterol on the nebulizer every night before bed....poor little thing.

J is out of town at a football game tonight and I didn't even get to see her before she left...oh how I hate that. I like to see her off and tell her I love her...and drive her to the school myself. She was mad at me because I wasn't home to drive her to school to meet the bus this afternoon. She called me at the doctors office in a panic because she needed a ride. I told her who to call to get a ride and then she called me back and told me they were picking her up in just a few minutes....she never even asked me how G was or why I was back at the doctors with her. Its amazing how single minded the teenage mind can be isn't it?

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Birds, Money, Sleep and I Won!

What a beautiful day. I woke up this morning and the thermometer(sp?) outside read 52 degrees. I had my windows, sliding glass door and my front door open until 1pm today!! G and I sat this morning in the quiet and listened to the birds singing outside.

Best of all this means my light bill won't be $330.00 this month!! With the cost of everything else going up it is nice to finally feel the temps outside dropping so at least the electric bill will go down. I cannot believe how expensive everything is! It seems like everytime I go to the grocery store certain items are a few cents more. This has been going on for a few months now and I have definetley seen the difference in our grocery bill. I try to do the coupon thing but don't always get to the paper boxes like I should to get the Wednesday and Sunday papers. I am going to try and do this though because I feel like I could make a more substantial difference in our grocery bill, especially feeding a family of five!

I am tired today. G and I stayed home all day and played. I have some sleep to catch up on but I don't know when to try and do it. If the girls would come home on the school bus I could try and catch some Zzzzz's but J has flag practice three times a week and we have church on Wednesday. That leaves Friday and there is usually a foot ball game then. Saturday everyone else but me sleeps in and on Sunday I am up and on the go for church. Ugh...

I won a contest today!! Nothing huge, but still I won it! Well, I co-won with someone...but it still counts I think....I have been sitting here trying to think if there has ever been a time in my life that I won ANYTHING...and I don't believe I ever have...not even a scratch off lotto ticket. So this is a big deal for me!!! I won for posting the most on a forum website I love to chat on, (hubby says I am addicted). I love the site because it has other moms and dads on it...real grown ups to talk to!! If I need advice or want another opinion on something I can post there and have several 'experts' that will respond with great insight and won't be wary of saying what they really think about something. Thats refreshing!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I am a pet person. I have to admit I love my kitties. They are just like family members.

My sister lost her dog today. They had her since she was a puppy and their kids were little. I'm not sure of her age, she was either 13 or 14, but her age doesn't really matter. Her name was Tasha and she loved her family. My sister, her husband and their two children belonged to Tasha in every way. She protected them and loved them dearly and I am very sorry for their loss. I am hurting over the loss and over what my sister and her family are going through. I wish I could ease their pain but I know there is no way to do it. The loss of a loved one, whether it is animal or human
, is something you ride through like surfing on a wave. I will be praying for them as they learn to live their lives without her presence.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

A Look Back...

When G was 15 months old she came down with a flu. She got sick on a Wednesday and by Friday she was in the midst of it and really feeling bad. I took her to the doctor knowing that she needed antibiotics and not wanting to have to wait till Monday...or worse end up at the emergency get her on the road to recovery. Sure enough her doctor said she looked pretty bad and her fever was up to about 101. They prescribed amoxicillan..(we all know that 'pink stuff')..and told me she should be fine. I figured with the antibiotics going in to her she should be feeling allot better by Saturday evening. Saturday came and she was still really sick. I began to get that 'mommy alert feeling' that something was up. My hubby and I had been arguing, (can't even remember what it was about now), and now he also didn't agree that she was getting worse, he thought I was over reacting. I understand how he could think that because I had no exact complaint as to why I felt she was worse other than a 'feeling'. I couldn't pin point it but my mom alarm was definitely chiming. I stayed with G in her room that night. Sunday morning came and she seemed a bit better...she still didn't want to eat though...and her temp was still up. Around 1pm on Sunday it seemed she just crashed, all she wanted was to stay in my arms. I knew I needed to take her in right away so off we went to the emergency room at NFRMC. I had no idea we would not be going home again for 8 days!

We got to the er at about 5pm. We sat in the er, my mom, G and me, until 9:30pm while everyone else was seen before us. G was mostly sleeping but her temp suddenly went from 102.3 up to 104.9. I could literally feel her body heating up in my arms. The charge nurse just gave her Tylenol at 8:30pm even though I had just given her some at 6:30. At 8:45 G threw up and I started to get scared. I knew she was rapidly getting worse. I went to the charge nurse and demanded they see her right then or I was going to call an ambulance to come and take us somewhere else. They took us back and after an exam and chest x-rays told me that she was really sick and would need to be admitted. They also told me that they were going to transport G to Shands because NFR doesn't have a pediatric unit. They called for an ambulance but we had to wait until Shands had a bed for her and the transport ambulance to arrive. Her temp was now pushing 106. I remember it was about 1am when we were finally in the ambulance going to Shands. I was in the back on the gurney with G on my lap. Her temp was now 106.1 and even the paramedics seemed nervous before we left about taking her with a temp so high. I was trying to watch out the small back door windows as we were driving to keep track of our route and where we were. I remember getting on I-75 and getting off onto Archer Road. There was a liquor store named ABC Liquors on that road and when the ambulance went by the sign it illuminated through the ambulance window and G said, "look says ABC". The paramedic and I looked at each other in awe that my very sick little 15 month old was even alert enough to notice the letters. We pulled into Shands and we rolled right on through the er up to the pediatric floor. They rolled us into an empty room with a metal crib in it that looked more like a cage than a bed, and nothing like G's pretty pink crib at home with ballerina bears dancing all around it. We got off the gurney and the paramedics said good luck, the hopital attendent said someone would be right with us and there we stood, all alone, looking out the window at the lights below.

I stood there with G in my arms for what seemed like and hour, but in reality was about 5 minutes. The floor nurse came in and took her vitals. Blood pressure was low and temp was really high still up at 106.3. The floor nurse was really sweet. She was an older black lady and she looked me square in the eyes and said, "Honey...we got to get this child's temp down now!". She stood there with me for an hour while we sponged G off . The doctors came in and explained she had bacterial pneumonia. Nurses came in and started her on two different antibiotic drips and gave her a tylenol suppository, all the while this wonderful kind lady stayed with me and helped me sponge down my child. After an hour and half G's temp was down to 103.9. It was now almost 4am so G and I tried to get some sleep in the iron box. She had a board on her arm to support the IV and a BP cuff on her leg along with the blood oxygen thingy taped tightly on her big toe. Still we snuggled up together and slept until almost 7am. This was when a new nurse came in to check her vitals. Apparently G's blood oxygen was too low so they put her on oxygen and her temp was going up again so they gave her another suppository and I started sponging her down again. This was our routine for the next 5 days. I never left G and she and I never left the peds floor. Hubby would come and stay all day with us to help and then go home at night to stay with the girls. The fever kept coming back. We would sponge her off and it would come back again and again. My hubby and I got to the point where we could tell the minute the fever was beginning to climb again and we would buzz the nurse to bring the tylenol and start sponging her down again. We would take her on walks carrying her around the peds floor but after about 5 minutes we could tell she was getting tired.

The room mates were a whole other story. When we first arrived we were alone but on the second day they moved in a young boy about 9 or 10. He had just had some sort of intestinal surgery. At the time I was annoyed because they kept their tv on till about midnight every night and kept the volume a little too loud. I didn't know then that they were to be the best room mates I would have. They were moved out on day 3 and a teen that had tried to commit suicide was brought in. She had an 'attendant' that had to stay with her at all times. She was very sad and depressed, I felt bad for her but was relieved when she left the next morning. My last room mate was the worst by far. She was a sweet little girl...about 3 years old and mom was there too. When they first came in I, of course, went over and introduced myself after they were settled. We talked a little and I thought that I finally had someone in there that would be okay....then the nightime came and this young mom must have had 15 of her friends up there. They were loud, they were cussing, talking and saying things I didn't want my child to hear and I was horrified. I complained when the nurses would come by and they would assure me they would say something but no one ever did. I sat on my side of the room with G in our iron box watching the clock...waiting for 9pm and visiting hours to end. I was honestly a little intimidated to say something to this group of people. Every once in a while one of the young men would peek around my curtain and look at G and me and that really scared me! 9pm came and left but the party continued. Finally at 9:45 I picked up G and her IV and I carried and rolled my child down the hall to the nurses station. I stood there in tears and asked them how they could allow that to go on? There are sick children here and I knew they heard all the loud talking and laughing. Half of the people from my room were standing in the hallway so I knew that the nurses could hear it all! Finally one of the nurses told the crowd that it was time to go and G and I got some sleep. The next day the head floor nurse came by to talk to me. Apparently allot of parents had complained by calling downstairs too. They aplogized to me and moved that room mate out that day. The rest of our stay was room mate free.

After the fifth day the fevers began to subside. G started feeling better and showed some interest in eating. G still was too weak to walk so we borrowed a cute little push car from the peds play center that she adored and we took her on a tour of Shands. The doc warned us not to have her gone too long but it felt so wonderful to her and me to finally be off that peds floor. We even walked outside a little and I believe that getting out helped us both. We went to the Wendys downstairs before we went back to her room and when we did get back G and I sat together in the big rocking chair in her room and she ate chicken nuggets. I was so happy she was eating!

Two days later we took our beautiful little girl home. She was 5 pounds lighter from her ordeal and still pretty weak. She could only walk about 50 feet until she pooped out. She still remained on antibiotics for 10 days afterwards.

The days we spent in Shands were eye opening for me. I know I never want to go through it again. It broke my heart to see all the children there that were alone. I would see them in their rooms all alone while I was walking with G. Some of them were around the same age as G, in big, cold, metal cribs all alone. They seemed so sad. I also know that despite the lack of bedside manners of the staff this was still where I would take my child if they needed emergency care or hospitalization. They have the brain power and technology...they just tend to lack compassion. The pictures above were taken on the day we were getting released...

I know it was long....thanks for letting me share it with you.


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